I’ve been thinking about honesty. I’ve been thinking of caring for people around me, other than myself. I’ve been thinking of the passion inside being re-fuelled.
I’ve been thinking about when someone asks you how you are, and you reply with good; even when you’re not. I’ve been thinking about how the devil likes to isolate people and pounce on them when they are alone with no support. I was thinking about the value of families and that we all have one, whether it is large, small or just one; whether they are blood related or not.
If we all have family, why do people struggle alone?
There is so much that we can gain from each other and it’s sad to think that we are too ‘busy’ for one another. It’s sad how we want things so bad that we forget to stop and enjoy the moment and care for our neighbours. It doesn’t take that long to stop and generally care for someone. I’m guilty of rushing by myself, but I am so, so willing to stop and make the effort for those around me. The Kingdom is all for it and surely if it is a priority for them, then that must mean something? Time will not be wasted when spent helping and encouraging people. We ALL have a part to play and I’m sure if we all worked together we could create a new culture. Wouldn’t that be amazing?
Everyone knows someone who knows someone, imagine if we all communicated, we’d loop back to the beginning and we would be so unified! It’s funny how things work huh ;)
Help us get back to your will and your ways, Jesus.
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! - Love you guys! :)